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How the Global Biofuel Alliance Will Benefit India?

On September 10, on the sidelines of the annual G-20 summit in New Delhi, India made a big announcement -  the formation of a Global Biofuel Alliance along with the USA and Brazil. It is an initiative to develop an alliance of governments, international organizations, and industry to facilitate the adoption of biofuels. Nineteen countries and 12 international organizations have already agreed to join. The launch of the Global Biofuels Alliance is a significant milestone in the global effort to end reliance on fossil fuels. In this context, let's analyze what is the significance of the global biofuel alliance and how it will benefit India. #green #greenfuel #fuel #USA #brazil #gba  #GlobalBioFuelAllieance #IR #internationalrelations #international #upsc #worldnews #currentaffairs #trendingnews #india #world #politics #geopolitics #UPSCPSIR #PSIR #BeyondBorders #E20 #E85  #AtmaNirbharBharat #G20 #FlexFuel #carbon #carbonfootprint

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